Mission Church VBS Kids Conf.

 Hello Mission Family, 

We are ecstatic to announce our very first VBS kids conference in our building on June 26th through 28th from 6 pm to 8 pm we will accommodate ages 5 through 12. Registration is open and make sure to invite all your friends for a full night of fun including T-shirts, games, crafts, and more. We can't wait to grow our relationship in WONDER for Jesus.

Dates: Wednesday, June 26th / Thursday, June 27th / Friday, June 28th
Time: Doors Open 6:00PM - Pick Up 8:00PM
Location: Mission Church 2120 North Mays Street, #290, Round Rock, TX 78664
Text/Call: (737) 231-1278
Cost:  $10 each child (includes, T-shirt, snacks, & crafts)

See you then !!!!
Mission Kids Team

One Form Per Child Registration